
Saturday, July 25, 2015

What Scares You The Most?

So I was thinking today about horror movies and different fears they hit on. With me, I think the really unnatural things scare me more and I think that Asian horror movies REALLY pull that off well. There are American movies that do as well but they are really good at that creepiness lol. Oh, and clowns are pretty dang creepy too!

My mom was always more scared of things that touched more on reality. Even the aspect of Freddy Krueger being a child killer/molester even though the rest wasn't more reality based. When I was a kid she used to talk about Last House On The Left and how scary it was. She wouldn't even let me watch it until I was in my teens. Then I watched and I was like, ok,  it's a good movie but it didn't really scare me. I had also worked it up way more in my head because she wouldn't let me watch it.

So with that being said, what is your absolute biggest fear? What makes you utterly want to jump out of your skin?

Miss Wicked

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