Hello Ghouls and Boils! How is your October going so far? Is it just me or does it feel like it is just zooming by? We wait all year with such anticipation as the summer drags on and then BOOM, October hits and it goes by in an orange and purple flurry.
So as some of you know, my birthday was the 26th. Usually my family and I go to Mother Nature’s Farm for their pumpkin patch and of course do the cake and ice cream thing. This year, we had to do things a little different cause we are all a little more spread out in the valley and my sister just had a baby in June so they have baby schedule days going on, and my dad volunteers at the DAV (Disabled American Vets) helping vets get the benefits they deserve, so trying to get everyone’s schedule to mesh was tricky but today we are doing the birthday festivities lol.
Look at this adorable little Pumpkin ⬇️
I will be posting all of it but just wanted to drop something here since I haven’t posted since 2019 😬! It’s been a tough few year’s even before stupid Covid. I have gotten back on track on Instagram though if you want to follow there as well look for @SomethingWickedTWCAZ
I am also working towards a YouTube channel, hopefully real soon. Kinda nervous about it but it’s something I really want to do.
Anyway’s, I hope you are having fun and trying to enjoy spooky season, I know it’s been hard but we will get back and if we all keep pushing and inspire other’s, we can make Halloween even bigger!
Take care of yourselves and I hope you all join me as I grow my business and my social media accounts cause I love our Spooky Community 💜💚🧡
Miss Wicked